Inspector Montalbano’s recipes. His favourite dishes: red mullet with sauce

During the lessons devoted to Montalbano’s favourite food, you will prepare his favourite fish dishes; Andrea Camilleri’s inspector, now popular all over the world, always finds the time during his investigations to enjoy food in restaurants by the sea.

However solutions to his investigations are almost always found at the end of the delicious dinners prepared for him by his adored and trustworthy housekeeper Adelina and left for him in the kitchen.

Montalbano’s cuisine is typical of the south-eastern part of Sicily, where the fish of the day is always served with delicious vegetables.

Alessia will show you how easy it is to cook Montalbano’s favourite food. Red mullet with cherry tomatoes, tuna with capers, sea food spaghetti: the most important thing for Montalbano is that it must be freshly caught fish.

Menu of the day

Fresh and high quality ingredients are a must for Alessia, as they are for Inspector Montalbano.

Participants will have the opportunity to taste:

  • Freshly-made tagliatelle with a cherry tomato sauce and red mullet;
  • Salad with citrons and Sicilian olives;
  • And they will also be offered lemon jelly.

As per Sicilian tradition, the food will be accompanied by nice wine; there will also be water and bread to mop up your plate.