Oranges and lemons

Lemon tagliolini with tuna eggs, orange saberfish, marmalades and citrus fruit cakes.

In Sicily it is quite normal to cook an entire menu in which the predominant flavour is lemon, mandarin or orange. Alessia will take you to a land where the scent of orange blossom is in the air and translates into delicious dishes.

“So when your hand Squeezes the hemisphere Of the cut Lemon onto your plate, A universe of gold You have poured out One Yellow cup Full of miracles One of the sweet-smelling nipples Of the breast of the earth, A ray of light that became a fruit, The diminutive fire of a planet”.

This is Pablo Neruda’s tribute to Sicily’s unique lemons.

Lemons in Sicily are as unmatchable as oranges and they enhance the flavour and taste of other unrivalled raw materials such as blue-fish.

Menu of the day

This menu will be rich and yet light, because the main ingredients are citrus fruit and Sicilian fish.

Alessia and Spaziobad’s guests can enjoy:

  • Lemon tagliolini with tuna eggs;
  • Rolled swordfish with orange and fresh mint;
  • Orange and fennel salad;
  • Citrus fruit jelly.