
Milan’s Expo2015 is an opportunity for businesses, associations, publicly-owned or private bodies operating in the sectors covered by Expo to meet, build new relations and discuss with players coming from all the Countries involved.

Many sectors are involved in the theme of Expo2015, Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.

Energy, water and chemical sectors are closely tied to food and nutrition in general. Therefore it is important to discuss these vital subjects for a sustainable future.

SPAZIOBAD is an ideal location for Italian and foreign businesses and associations to organize meetings, in central Milan, in a different environment which ensures maximum privacy.

The following can be organized within SPAZIOBAD:

  • Workshops on specific subjects.
  • Training workshops.
  • Coaching events.
  • Company presentations.
  • Presentations to the media.
  • Business meetings.
  • B2B meetings.

Depending on your needs, SPAZIOBAD consultants may help companies organize meetings, including turn-key organization.

Book your meeting